Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Should we send north korea a gift basket of nukes?

that says "Welcome to the Club."


Should we send north korea a gift basket of nukes?
the U.S. is the only country in to ever have used a nuclear weapon on another country. Do you think the rest of the world has forgotten that? Do you want us to have "terrorist status" and have the rest of the world knocking at our door to take away our WMD's????
Reply:No if they start an attack on the u.s. then yes Bush will send airplanes containing explosives and which will be programed to ram with one of the major cities to destroy the bad guys!!
Reply:Haha! Good idea!!
Reply:Yeah that's a great idea, and while we're at it we should fiddle around with China, Iran, and Russia too ( oh yeah, we did try to poke at Iran yesterday, didn't we?) . Yeah, we don't have enough problems that we can't take care of, let's mess with a whole forest's worth of wasp nests. And why are those wasps so angry...hmmmm?
Reply:Gee, what a wonderful idea. I'm impressed by your sagacious thinking.
Reply:your brilliant wish we could have more like you gitmo
Reply:That's a bad joke.
Reply:Only if we want one from China!

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