I'm filling a basket with things that I have discovered to be 'the best' since having my daughter 5 months ago. So far I'm putting in:
Avent pacifiers (daughter likes the shape best)
Dollarama bibs and sunglasses($1 each and they are just as good as the more expensive kinds!)
Secrets of the Baby Whisperer book (saved me when we were having sleep problems)
Jolly Jumper crib wedge
Jolly Jumper car seat strap covers
Can anyone suggest anything else?
What are some great small shower gift ideas?
breast pads
Baby Safe feeder (or other mesh bag style feeder)
Hyland's Teething Tablets
Old Navy baby socks (they stay on feet the best!)
baby sling
Reply:I always add in baby shampoo, soap, wipes, and a bottle brush. All those little things you use everyday and seem to always run out of. Pack in a couple of teething rings and little hand toys as cute stuffers.
Reply:Johnson's Baby Lotion and Baby Wash
Reply:Burp Rags, No one bought me burp rags. And the best present I got was a laundry basket with baby shampoo, wash, rags, towels, oil, diaper rash cream, baby tylenol, gas medicine drops.
Reply:What about diaper stuff--wipes, diaper rash cream, powder, changing pads. Burp clothes, infant tylenol, mylicon drops, pacifier clips, nail clippers and accessories, rattles, and small toys, socks, bottle/nipple brush, plush books.
Thats about all I can think of at the moment. These are all the things I used when my child was little and to me some are MUST HAVES
Great Gift idea. Wish I had you at my baby shower.
Reply:nail clippers
nasal aspirator
wash cloths
burp cloths
teether toys
Reply:Diaper rash ointment, baby powder, receiving blankets, and coupon's for free baby sitting... New mom and dad will need time out!
Reply:Put in some baby washclothes and baby bath products from Johnson n Johnson or Aveeno.
Reply:Onesies, wipes, Destin, baby shampoo, baby soap and baby powder, socks, mittens, nail clippers, baby comb and brush, and dont forget to throw something for the parents in there even if it just a box of chocolates!
Reply:A Munchkin Fresh Food Feeder - it's a little ring/holder with a net on the top to put in fresh food that normally your baby can't have. The net keeps the actual food from getting in the their mouths, but they can suck out all the juices.
This has been a lifesaver for me, b/c I can always give my daughter something different and it keeps her occupied! AND the BEST part was when she's teething really bad and nothing else worked, I would put ice chips in this and she was good for a long while!!!!!
They used to sell these at Target. That's where I got mine.
and Cloth Diapers, they come in handy when baby's bottom needs some air and you need to lay baby on something absorbant. People forget about cloth diapers, I think every mom should own at least a few.
Reply:mirror that's safe to put in the crib.
photo album with portrait gift certificates tucked inside
Reply:Any small toys like real soft stuffed animals and rattles......baby wipes.....lotions for baby and mom.......little tshirts or onesies......a candle or two and maybe a box of relaxing teas for the new mom......sometimes all the attention is on the baby and mom is left out.........I know I really enjoyed it when I was acknowledged just as my baby was........A baby shower is wonderful and fun...but don't forget how you felt.
Have a great time..hope some of this may help.
Reply:The Johnsons calming bath and baby wash. Helps them sleep sooo much better. My son loves the Avent pacifiers too, lol. Also, one of the little baby care kits, everyone forgets about, with the nail clippers, thermometer and such. And Pampers has a thing where you can order gift cards for diapers and it comes in a cute package. Some of the Playtex bottles, they have a gift set as well. A cute little baby brush and comb set. Washclothes, maybe a little bathrobe.
Reply:ok. so this isn't really a baby gift - it's a gift for the mom. i would put in a container of the Clorox cleaning wipes. They are the best for quickly disinfecting car surfaces, toys, bathroom and kitchen. they're bleach free and come in three or four different smells. i like the "lavenda" because it's a nice non-chemically smell and i think it's funny they spell it without the "r". i also use them for wiping down the crib and the changing table.
Reply:just hit up your local dollar store and load it up from there. i usually go there then make a diaper cake everyone loves them and they are from the heart and cheap to make.
Reply:Oh my goodess! I have been to more baby showers than I can count! Love it. love it! Baby blanket, DIAPERS are always good to give, get a diaper bag and fill it up with goodies, such as rattles, bottles, wipes, diapers, ittybitty nail clippers, bib, sunscreen, I got my sister a crib camera, she loved it! Babys R Us. I got my friend a bouncy seat that vibrates and plays music and it even had a mosquit net I think it was like $30. Baby clothes shoes socks....Need any more ideas e-mail me!!!
Reply:You can put in small little baby shoes, fill a small bottle with chocolate candy, and put a small colorful picture frame in there (you can easily get these at the Target dollar zone) because everyone loves to take lots of pictures of their little ones.
Reply:Robeez shoes.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
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