Monday, February 13, 2012

What is a nice thing to do for injured soldiers @ Christmas?

Is there a place like Walter Reed Hospital or another care facility that will take gift baskets and cards for the soldiers?

What is a nice thing to do for injured soldiers @ Christmas?
What a wonderful Idea! Bless you for thinking of it. I googled walter Reed and they can not longer accept gifts to wounded soilders. However you could look into a local veteran's hospital and contact them. They maybe able to have you or your group give gifts to theveteran's in their care. I know that other than personal hygiene products alot of the veterans appreciate gifts like lap blankets, books, games and phone cards or videos. Some of these veterans even have children and are not able to give them gifts (it can be depressing) offer to have each veteran make a list of one gift per child they would like to give to their children (set a price of $10-$20) or give them stockings filled with small items to give to thier children. Beleive me it will make their day to be able to give their own children something for christmas. Good Luck, and again, Bless you. If more people thought as you do, what a wonderful world we would have.
Reply:hmm how about ending the war?
Reply:Contact your local American Legion or VFW. They will know how to get the goodies to the soldiers. You could check your local veterans hospital,that is where the injured soldiers will be.......
Reply:Write 100,000,000 letters to their Commander in Chief demanding that this idiot war of his be ended NOW !! so that next Christmas there are no new injured soldiiers to have to worry about what kind and decent acts you can do for them
Reply:I'd say one thing they would appreciate is to also remember their families and help them out. Ask the VFW.
Reply:get on line and put in, the baskets should include nail clippers/lotion/cologne/stamps/notecards... treats .
Reply:To show the soldiers you care you can send them cards made by a class of preK-2nd graders, with small care packages including tooth brushes, candy, deck of cards and lots of love
Reply:I don't know. If you find out please let me know.

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