Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Any ideas for gifts to put in my "Break-Up Survival Kit" gift basket?

My best friend's fiance just broke up with her and she's taking it pretty hard (do you blame her?!). I wanted to put together a lil gift basket to help her get over this tremendous heart break and let her know that she's still loved and cared about by her friends and family.

Any ideas for gifts to put in my "Break-Up Survival Kit" gift basket?
some booze
Reply:Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough and Chocolate Covered Cheesecake. Send it Air-Mail so it stays fresh.
Reply:mabey som facail cream and hand lotion.and some magazines(possibly).mabey some of her fav movies
Reply:Pictures as friends and trips you guys have taken before.Some nice dance music and things she loves but do not remind her of her ex
Reply:A stuffed Teddy Bear would be nice! How about a dartboard with her fiance's picture in the center?


Something to make her smile... Maybe send her a scrapbook with some pics of the two of you having fun together without Mr. Imperfect. Also include a joke book or Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul book.
Reply:You can put the the sex and the city complete collection, or just a season or two....that would get me back into single and fabulous mode. And you can even add some ice cream or cookie dough as an added treat . =)

I think you can give them oil painting from their photo means turn their photo in oil painting it will create nice impression on them.

Capture that special moment.turn it into a masterpiece that will last forever!

i suggest u to look at this site i think it will help u,

A great idea for a personal and unique gift is a handmade painting made from a photo that you send.

Check out this site:

They have many samples here

The prices are reasonable and the outcome is amazing.

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