Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Christmas gift basket ideas ...?

I wanted to do themed gift baskets this year but I'm having a hard time ...

(my) Aunty, 39, single, live on her own (no kids) - I have a picture of her and my daughter that was taken just yesterday at a pool (we live in Hawaii) .. I was thinking about framing that and giving it to her in a basket .. but with what else??

(my) cousin - 34, single mother, one child (7) - son is a allergic to ALOT of foods .. chocolate, rice, wheat, and alot more ... Mother is allergic to some scented itemed .. any ideas would be helpful cause I'll totally lost with this one.

(my) aunty %26amp; uncle - mid 50's to early 60's .. live alone - stays home all the time, both doesn't work any more .. no hobby's .. uncle has diabetes

**no gift cards** Thanks in advance!!

Christmas gift basket ideas ...?
I think the photos in a frame is a great idea, and could work for all 3 baskets. You said no gift cards, but how about some food coupons to grocery stores, and or eating places. Everybody likes to eat out. Or a "booklet of coupons" that you can make on the computer, offering yourself for homecooked meals, childcare while mom goes out to a restaurant or spa. That sort of thing always worked for me with a wealthy aunt who had everything else, but loves to go to Pizza Hut or a local place.

For your aunt and uncle, a "coupon" or gift certificate to a local barbershop or hair salon for a makeover, perm, haircuts, etc. along with some nice hair products from that particular salon. Even if people can afford these things, it's always fun to have somebody else to pay for it !!!

Your cousin who is allergic to scented items. Make the basket with unscented candles, lotions, body wash, bath mitt, the framed photo--maybe of the 2 kids together, an ivy plant in a pretty pot. That also may work for your 39 yr old aunty, too. I hope I've helped you some.
Reply:aunt do quick mix meals like soup and things

cousin do book and crafts

aunt and uncle do movies and popcorn
Reply:aunty - candles, some sweets, maybe a book.

cousin - cook book filled w/recipies that she can make for her son (my brother used to by allergic to eggs, wheat, gluten, etc.) there are definently good cook books out there for that. maybe some sweets, candy canes, and a toy or 2 for her son, a new soccer ball, etc. idk what he's into. bath sal, perfume, etc. for a relaxing time for her

aunty and uncle - sugar free treats, books, candles, maybe puzzles, passes to a restaurant or the movies.

hope those helped!
Reply:if i was u just make ever1 a martini basket with 1 bottel of kettel1 vodka 1 bottel apple pucker 2 martine glasses 1 martini shaker hope this helps
Reply:Aunt- The picture, candy, jewelry, fruit

Cousin- if she lives near you, offer to babysit and let her have a night off, hire a babysitter and take her out yourself

Aunt and uncle- movies, music, sugar free candy
Reply:Auntie; does she live in Hawaii too, if not some native items would be great. More picutures of the family. Does she have hobbies, something to go along with that, try something out of the ordinary that she wouldn't buy for herself, but would enjoy.

Cousin %26amp; child; Single moms always need time to theirself, if you are close enough offer to babysit sometime so she can. Movies, family oriented movies, popcorn (if not allergic) or something you know they can have that would be a nice treat for a movie night at home.

Aunt %26amp; Uncle; Sugar free candy, available all over the place, and movies, or puzzles.

Think of something out of the ordinary, something to get them out of their boxes but not so out that they wouldn't use/enjoy it. Good luck.
Reply:Dvds, books, candles, candy
Reply:Have the baskets designed and made for you, it would help take off some of the stress and would be full of items that would relate to each person. Reply if interested.

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