Saturday, February 11, 2012

If I put saran wrap on my hair and blow dried it, would it melt onto my hair and stick to it?

Okay, well that sounds really realy stupid, I know, but someone told me once to put conditioner in my hair and then wrap it up in saran wrap and blow dry it like you would a gift basket thing so it locks onto your head and locks in the moisture. And then you have to sleep with it over night.

Would the saran wrap melt onto my hair even though I have conditioner on it?

Could I do it without the hair dryer part and be fine?

If I put saran wrap on my hair and blow dried it, would it melt onto my hair and stick to it?
first off, it wouldnt melt onto your head with or without the conditioner... the stuff survives the microwave....

if you are more comfortable not blow drying it though, you would get the same effect of deep conditioning without the blowdryer... just wrap a towel tight around your head so your normal body heat will help the conditioner penatrate your hair and scalp...the saran wrap just keeps it from drying out and any heat helps it penetrate more..
Reply:Morgan...instead of using saran wrap you can get a handy dandy plastic shower will work the same and you can even put a warm towel around it for a while b/c the heat does help the conditioner to penetrate your hair better although it isn't necessary b/c as humans we are already warm and constantly generating heat so your natural body heat will warm the conditioner as well...
Reply:Don't blow-dry it. That will make it melt, as well as imbuing your hair with the smell of melted plastic-wrap. Just wrap your hair up like you would wrap up leftovers, and sleep on it.
Reply:The saran wrap is dangerous. But a clear plastic cap. That's what they are for. You can find them at a beauty supply store.

Reply:yea it would
Reply:Well if you blow dry it , the heat from the dryer is pretty hot .Im guessing yes! . I mean think about it ,
Reply:YES, it would melt onto your hair, dont do this!!!
Reply:umm.....what kind of question is that??

I think it all depends on how HOT the blow dryer heat is! I would ask someone like a hairstylist who is an expert on that stuff
Reply:the wrap wouldn't melt .try a grocery bag too it might be easier

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