Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Making a "Break up and Break free" gift basket/kit for one of my best friends...what should I include in it?

She has a loser boyfriend that's destroyed her self esteem. I've been encouraging her to break free but she just needs some guidance. I decided to make her a "break up and break free" kit/gift basket for positive encouragement. I've thought to include a few good books (any recommendations? books on female self-empowerment/independence, books on breaking up, books on losing the loser?), and also little pick-me-ups like a new little bottle of perfume and such. Any other ideas? What would you include if you were making someone this "kit"? Thanks for any suggestions!

Making a "Break up and Break free" gift basket/kit for one of my best friends...what should I include in it?
how about brass knuckles
Reply:I don't think you should give her this 'gift basket' before she has made the decision herself to break up with her guy ... but you may give her an 'uplifting basket' that may help her decide to 'lose him' ... get her some nice 'bubble bath' and some good 'skin softener' (I use Lush mounds ... they are expensive, but they are really wonderful) and a nice bottle of 'wine' or white grape juice and a pretty glass to pour it in and 'drink' while she's in the tub. Give her a nice thick 'bath sheet' to dry off, and a pair of pretty pajamas ... nothing 'sexy' but something fairly 'plain' but sort of 'satiny' and that fit her 'style' or 'jersey' with a nice top and long pants. Also give her some good 'regular books' and a good 'book mark' that says 'you are a wonderful person and a great friend' with her name and your signature on it ... so she can 'go to bed and read' ... and then if you really feel that you 'must' tell her that you think her 'guy' is a loser and she needs to build up her 'self esteem' and that your 'little gift' is a 'good start' toward her achieving that goal.
Reply:aww thats so sweet of you i would get her a tanning package maybe get her nails done and gift ceertificate so she can get a new outfit so you guys can go out and cheer her up and she will be looking sexy lol
Reply:Get that book that's called 'he's just not that into you' oh wow, if that doesn't tell her nothing will, it's perfect. Don't forget to include things to pamper her with the break up. Because she will be sad even if he is a loser, cuz she will miss him and think she still loves him. So get her body wash and puffs. Also just make sure you hang with her a lot and let her know she has support, there are fun board games/party games out there so play those with her. Invite other people to join in. Make sure to get her outta the house too, cuz that really helps.
Reply:Barbara DeAngelis has great books. More on the fun side is Mama Gena (no I'm not kidding) she rules. Google Mama Gena. I forget the names of her books but you can get them along with DeAngelis on Amazon.

Definitely include condoms, lubricant, body paint, lingerie, crazy stuff like that. Chocolates are always a good pick me up maybe coffee or champagne, nail polish, that sort of thing.

I love the idea. I must do it for the next divorcee. Thanks.
Reply:I would include a personal letter of wisdom on why she needs to end the relationship. Tell her how you have noticed how much she has changed since being in the relationship, and not for the better. Tell her that you know how hard it will be on her and that you will help keep her company when she is feeling particularly lonely, especially in the early evening when the night dreads can fall upon the best of us. Tell her you know that it is always scary to be alone again and you feel like you are starting all over from scratch. Tell her that the peace of mind she will have once she actually breaks up with the guy will bring her her greatest joy in the end!!!! She will regain her self esteme and go on to find the right guy for her. Let her know how important it is to be herself when she starts dating again, and under no circumstances be what she thinks the guy wants her to be. This will only put her right back in the same situation. Tell her that its most imperative to be herself and when she finds the right guy... she will know that he truly wants to be with her for her and not the fake her!!!!! Never cater to much! How is that for an answer? From been there done that. Also include in the basket maybe a months membership to a tanning salon to get some color and some really good lotions, shea butter from the "Body Shop" is especially good and put in some massage oil for when she meets a great guy she can bring it out and suggest massages. A few issues of Cosmo goes a long way. For the most part its a pretty anoying read but I must say, the sex and dating advise and topics are pretty darn helpful!!! I have used some of them myself and received standing ovations!!! lol
Reply:well if you know your best friends fave things get them those



gift card

cant go wrong with cash

a card telling to DUMP him (for confidence!)
Reply:The little gifts are a great idea. Whit life coming down on her that hard, she needs little things like that. For the book part, I'd recommend It's Not Only Me by Jodi Pastore. It touches on just about everything. and is highly inspirational. I think the only way to get it is through the authors website ( but it's really worth it.

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