Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What are sweet things I can get for a gift basket for my boyfriend?ALL IDEAS,NO RUDE ONES.THANKS.?

I want to make a gift basket for my boyfriend to take to work as a sweet surprise, any ideas, I want to show him how much I love him and he has done so much for me , I just want to give back , thanks .

What are sweet things I can get for a gift basket for my boyfriend?ALL IDEAS,NO RUDE ONES.THANKS.?
Sample colognes, his favorite candy, a "mens" magazine (like cars or men's health etc), a nice card, maybe a good snack, that's all i can really think of. Just think of little stuff he likes.
Reply:It sounds cheesy - but buy him flowers
Reply:Yea.. buy him flowers.. Guys like it when girls buy them flowers.. they might not ever say so but we do..
Reply:Guys hate flowers, what are you people on?
Reply:depends on what he's into, eg. if he's a golfer or a fan of a sports team, you could get him a mouse pad with a golf theme or team logo... some high end snacks- a coffee mug with a photo of his dog burned on it (you can get this done at most photo finishing places or at just about any mall)...

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