Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What should I put in a baby gift basket?????????????????

A normal avatar would be cool, those long ones that have become so popular really are too annoying. They are just for people who lack attention. Babys get plenty of attention. Try a cool hat and some sunglasses.

What should I put in a baby gift basket?????????????????
Baby oil, powder, and lotion.

Baby Wipes.

Newborn size diapers.

Newborn size t-shirts.

Baby wash cloths
Reply:I would place herbs for baby's

like soaps that are natural

and Shampoo

It is the getting back to nature

we need to reflect on

And you could add a baby book

with a collection of herbal remedies for babies

I think the solution for a remedy for gas

is good because babies suffer a great deal

And the more prepared one is in advance the

less suffering a baby will endure.

Also it is good to have an ointment for rashes

babies suffer so much with a burning

So prepare that basket well out of love and

deep understanding for the baby who is soon to come

In Jesus name we pray
Reply:Hi,,, hmm for a joke on Mom and Dad.... .put some condoms.... or birth contol cream,,,,,,, lol

good luck
Reply:It depends upon your relationship with the parents. That establishes how much $$$ you should spend. you almost always cannot go wrong with those little towels with the hoods on them for when the baby gets out of the bath. They come already rolled up with a ribbon and sometimes have little wash clothes or booties, too. In yellow if you don't know the sex, and put a little tube of hand lotion in there for mom, too. She'll appreciate it.
Reply:You should include some things for the Mum, like some nice chocolates, body lotion, maybe even a gift voucher for a massage etc. Maybe even an IOU for a few hours baby sitting that they can "cash in" later.
Reply:a pacifier and a baby bottle and some baby booties and some baby toys
Reply:If it is for a baby shower, get the mommy stuff, like massage oils, slippers, robe, stuff for the hospital, stuff for relaxation.

You can also put baby shampoos, diapers, books, wipes, blankets, lotions, especially the lavendar.
Reply:A rattle a bayby bag and some dipers!!!!!!!
Reply:diapers..lots of them, baby wipes, baby washes, burp rags, bibs, pacifier, infant tylenol, grooming set.
Reply:baby lotions,wipes,diaper rash cream,thermometer,q-tips,rattles,pacifie... stuffed animals,picture frame,little socks,bibs,ivory snow laundry soap,baby bath soap,t-shirts,receiving blankets- the list goes on - it depends on how much you want to spend ?
Reply:everything related to bath, and also diapers and wipes, nail cutters, and a beautiful outfit for the newborn baby
Reply:blah blah
Reply:Baby powder, baby lotion, baby shower creme, baby towels, baby clothes, mits, mobiles, rattlers and wipes.
Reply:Possible ideas...

Baby clothes;


wash cloths;

Baby powder.

I'm a guy and not at all experienced with babies :)

BTW, thank you, thank you, thank you for changing your avatar.


Reply:Receiving blanket

burp pads

I like to get those little mitts you put on a baby's hand to keep him from scratching himself.

newborn sized onesies and sleepers.

a bunting gown

little newborn socks

a cap

a baby-safe rattle or stuffie (no button-eyes that can be pulled off and swallowed).



one of those nasal passage booger-sucking bulb things

A REEEEAlly good idea is to go to a store, like Target, go to the baby section, and just pick stuff out to go into your basket.
Reply:A baby ...

Teeth Whitening

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