Friday, January 27, 2012

A Business name for a Gift Basket store?

I want to open a shop making gift baskets for all occasions. There will also be a spot where they can pick from my products and make their own gift basket or if they like a product they can buy it without buying a gift basket. So any help with a name would help me greatly. thanks

A Business name for a Gift Basket store?
I have always named my biz's by what they do. As you want the customer to understand what it is you do by just your name.

My first company was a automotive detail shop for high line cars. I came up with " Nothing but Details ". As that is all I did, the "details". Majority who saw the name easily figured it was for cars.

Then I opened a touch up paint company. Since I don't use brushes and such, I named myself " Brushless Colors ". Everyone understood I did car paint work but w/o a brush.

Then recently I created a headlight restoration company. And to go along w/ the others, it got named " Renewed Sight ". Either they grasp its headlights or think at first I am laser eye surgery.

Sit down, make a list of EVERY word that pertains to your business. Basket, ribbon, gift.... every word you can think of. Then choose one of them, 2 of them combined, etc to create your name. A name can make or break you so its wise to have one that is catchy, different yet simple.

Anyone can have Beth's Gift Baskets as a company. And most see that as a basic, home made company. But something like, the Basket Worx sounds more "corporate" and has more ring to it.

Even come up with say 10-20 names using your words of your industry. Then email those off to as many friends as you can asking for their opinion off that list. Actually that is how my Brushless Colors got named. Few others took 2 of my names and combined them to create that one.
Reply:In spanish Treasure of the Frogs is

"Las Ranas Estiman", kinda has a nice unique ring to it.
Reply:* Unique Gift Baskets *

* Luxury Gift Baskets *

* Exquisite Gift Baskets *

* Gift Baskets Made to Order *

* Fortuna Gift Baskets *

Good luck with your new venture !


* Gift Baskets Online *
Reply:Heya! The only problem using frogs would be isolating your market to only those interested in frogs. It is best to have a name that expresses what you do but is a little different. Maybe have a section on frogs? or a special kids basket range based on a frogy name?

If you want to go online eventually then make sure you have a name that has a website available for e.g. go to and check to see.

A funky spin on your name could be "Basket Case" or something simple "Occasional Baskets", "Baskets for all occassions".

When doing your logo only use 2-3 colours and make it simple enough that you can have it printed on clothing, cards and even signs for cars!

All the best! If you need any help check out
Reply:Basket Case...A Tisket a Tasket- "I'll Build your Gift Basket"

I agree with the guy who said not to do the frog thing...good luck in your endeavor!

platform flip flops

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