Friday, January 27, 2012

If you were making a gift basket where the theme was "A Night out in Boston" What would you put in it?

This is a potential gift for my boss from a bunch of us-

I was thinking of getting a ticketmaster gift card, a phantom gourmet review book 2008...

what else?

If you were making a gift basket where the theme was "A Night out in Boston" What would you put in it?
I would at least put in beans and tea.
Reply:Good ideas from other poster, but instead of Legal Seafood (chain) I'd put the gift certificate in there from Teatro: Maybe two tickets to ride the Boston Ducks:

Actually if she's a wine lover, I'd just get her a ticket to the Boston Wine Festival Grand Opening Reception on January 11 - it's $100. Held at The Wharf Room at the Boston Harbor Hotel - it's just a slew of Daniel Bruce's genius food and more than 50 incredible wines...
Reply:1. Lobster Toy

2. Gift Certificate to Legal Seafoods

3. Boston Harbour Tea, made by original Boston Tea Party Co.

4. Memories of Boston Mug from the Museum of Fine Arts

(In fact if you go to this link, the MFA has a wide variety of great Boston-themed gifts. )

5. I think your idea of the Ticketmaster gift certificate is a good one. You could paste ideas for where they might go to a show or event on the front of the envelope.
Reply:A bullet-proof vest, rainbow-stickers, lots of cash (for graft), and an English to Spanish dictionary.

Teeth Whitening

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