Monday, January 30, 2012

What is the proper "New neighbor" gift?

My ex husband converted to Islam while working in the Middle East, on a government contract, now there is always a white van in the street in front of my house.

Should I offer them coffee and donuts, or should I go over and ask them if I could borrow a cup of sugar? Or maybe a nice gift basket with some wine and cheese?

What is the proper "New neighbor" gift?
I would dig a big hole in your yard and carry a large wooden box and while looking around constantly bury it. Every once in a while in the middle of the night take a spotlight and make signals like towards a satellite. Then to really get to the watchful eyes in the van, turn your tv towards the outside window and keep putting adult movies.

On a serious note I worked in a company near a TSA office. Often times there would be TSA agents in the elevator which is completely mirrored inside. There was one figity guy I use to play with all the time. I would move my hand quickly to run through my hair and he would jump. One day I had my back to him the whole time but staring at him with the mirror. He would try not to notice me. I miss that guy, he was fun.
Reply:Full frontal is my opinion. Then convince one of your girlfriends to have nasty fake phone sex with you, and both scream "JIHAD" at the end.
Reply:I didn't think you would notice my van but, since you have, my partner and I love donuts (Bavarian cream filled) and he likes black coffee, but I prefer hot chocolate. Thanks bunches : - )

PS - Could I use your restroom? I've been out here all night and I really gotta go! I can't hold it until shift change!
Reply:Well, if this is some government agency watching over you, you can be nice and take some hot chocolate out for them on cold days, some lemonade on hot days and some baked goods for the holidays. Or -and I'm sure they'd appreciate this more than anything- just let them into your house so that they can poke around and take a good look while you make them some coffee.
Reply:I would recommend the same thing in this situation as I would in any new-neighbour situation. Bring them a pie, or some other consumable gift that comes on a plate or pan that must be returned.

In the case of new neighbours, it assures that you will see them again for another conversation once they're settled.

In this case, it puts the agents in the uncomfortable and treacherous legal ground of accepting gifts from their subject. (The more expensive, the better!)
Reply:If you appease them (lol see my previous answer) you will get 20 white vans. Take action now. Make it clear that YOU WILL NOT BE WATCHED and be prepared if necessary to blow the van up before you get blown up yourself.
Reply:hit on the husband!


that was the first thing my new neighbour did!

and still doing it until now!
Reply:Jelly .
Reply:invite them over for a no kids pool party..Mmmmmm

I guess ...

maybe have every one come over for a cook out...

laugh and have fun..and make new friends..
Reply:A basket of Pork should do it.
Reply:hmm...well the appropriate gift for the New Feds in your neighborhood is the "quiet place Noise-Cancellation Headphones" from Sharper Image with the following features:

Anti-noise headphones feature advanced "quiet place?" noise-cancellation technology in combination with full-spectrum audio performance.

Enjoy a quiet haven or stereo sound from almost any portable audio device.

Headphones virtually eliminate the droning noise of planes, trains, buses and traffic.

Soft ear cups with memory foam cushioning provide ultra-comfortable extended wear.

Includes an airplane jack adapter for in-flight music or movies.

Now for real new neighbors, you give them a book you have compiled over the years of the best dry cleaners, best chinese takeout, best veterinary clinic, etc..
Reply:Better leave them alone. What a co incidence that he converts and he works on a government contract, it is probably Big Bro watching you. Like "always" there? Wake up and drink your coffee and forget about New neighbor gifts, Good luck. Be careful!
Reply:ask them to have a dinner with you at home then serve delicious foods (-:
Reply:If these new neighbors are from your ex-husband and believe in the same faith, bring what you like and take it to them topless. That should take care of them.

THROW A DAM brick through the van window. and make him make you a cup of hot chocky and

a few bickies, and tell him to get his heap of shitt out of the neighbour hood.

ok medol you know i am joking right.
Reply:a lot of ruckus to chase them away
Reply:I agree

a fruit basket is appropriate, as is a potted plant--say--a flowering plant
Reply:Cold beer.
Reply:No wine for Muslims! .. a basket with other goodies should do
Reply:A fruit basket.
Reply:a plant or flower in a beatiful vase like orchid or bonsai.
Reply:earplugs and aspirin
Reply:the wine and cheese basket is a proper gift for a new neighbor.

Teeth Whitening

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