Monday, January 30, 2012

Ideas for A Christmas Gift for Our Pool Service clients? Help?

Hello everyone

we own a pool service business in florida and are wanting ideas on what kind of gift to give our customers on christmas.. can anyone offer any ideas? the gift would have to be economical anyway thought about a gift basket or mug w/candy any ideas would be appreciated thanks so much and god bless.

Ideas for A Christmas Gift for Our Pool Service clients? Help?
A card with a gift certificate for 10% off their next purchase.

Reply:I like the suggestion for the 10% off their next purchase.

I work in a small bank branch (only 7 employees) and we actually have customers to bring us things during the holidays. Some of their ideas are: small boxes of candy, homemade cookies, cakes and breads, and calendars to hang in in our work stations.

Hope this helps!
Reply:A fun, pool-related gift that you can buy in bulk for less than $40 each, is a watertight holder for an iPod Shuffle:

It's not as much fun, but a useful and low-cost pool gift is the filter sock:

Dress up the packaging with a holiday theme.

PS -- Some people on your list may not celebrate Christmas. Everyone likes gifts, though. Good luck.


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