Monday, January 30, 2012

Ideas for beach wedding gift basket? (Ideas in general?)?

We're having our wedding in Oregon (where I grew and half my family still loves) on the coast. Most of our guest will be traveling from Ohio and may stay for at least the weekend, some for a whole week. We obviously will not be able to entertain them the entire week but will have get togethers and events the weekend of the wedding.

Instead of a tin of mints or some favor that will be thrown out anyways I'm having the hotel put gift baskets in all the rooms of our guests. I want to include things like bottels of water, sunscreen and a lst of locations to visit and things to do in the area (with directions and contact info). But I'm at a loss on other things to include as well as what to put everything in.

I am on a budget but I dont have too many guests and it will be one basket per couple/family). Any idead would be greatly appriciated.

Also any beach wedding ideas or experiances would be lovely.

Thanks so much!

Ideas for beach wedding gift basket? (Ideas in general?)?
Squirt guns for the kids

Local candy (salt water taffy maybe?)


local guidebook

a half bottle of wine (for the adults) or local beer from a brewery

pari of cheap sunglasses

Blow up beach ball

Sun hat

Monogram each one with either your and your hubbies initials or the last initial of the guests that are receving the bag.

Put it all in a big tote bag or straw bag...or to make it even cuter have it all in a sand pail like this...
Reply:Do shaped cookies (star fish, fish, shells, etc) or soaps. Cheap flip flops would be cute (they are only $2-5 at Walmart or someplace like that). Go to your local dollar store and see what they have there.
Reply:The ideas mentioned above are great! I plan to do welcome bags too...we aren't in such a great theme locale, but ours will be in July 2008, so I can include summery details. I also plan to have a little packet of recommendations of things to do: what movies are showing at the theater, recommended restaurants, parks-little places that have meant a lot to us. That way they aren't stuck in the hotel while the wedding party is busily getting things done.

I plan on having kids invited to the wedding, and my plan is to have little mini fun pails for the kids under age 8 with coloring book, crayons and little dollar store fun things to give them a little something to do when they are getting antsy...

Dollar stores are great for that sort of thing...splurge on an item or two in the baskets, but otherwise stay to the inexpensive: in this case the gesture really is so sweet-going through all the trouble of finding which hotels they are at, working with the front desk to get the bags in there,'s all those little things that show your guests that they matter.
Reply:how about a beach bag or something or and a towel with your wedding date and your names a beach bag can also or have your name and date of wedding
Reply:A local map, lip balm, sunglasses, towel, sunscreen, flip flops, ...intead of baskets, try putting the items in a tote bag, it would be more useful and will go along well with your beach theme.

Good luck and congrats
Reply:I think it would be really cute to put some kind of scavenger hunt in there... and have a small gift for the winning family/s. Maybe some kind of list of places to visit, you could go to the places ahead of time %26amp; let them know you will have people coming by, and leave a stamp or a clue to the next place for them.
Reply:Cheapo flip flops from the dollar store. Something from the Made in Oregon stores would be nice too. I LOVE the saltwater taffy.
Reply:Wear sandals.
Reply:disposable cameras, dollar store flip flops.... if there are kids, shovel and pail....
Reply:I like the idea of water and sunscreen! Some fun sunglasses, flip-flops, a couple of dollars in a pretty envelope that says "For Ice Cream on the Beach!" would round out the basket. Also, I like the idea from the other answerer about a shovel and pail for those with children.

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