Monday, January 30, 2012

My 2 year old nephew broke his tibia and fibula yesterday. Any ideas to put into a gift basket for him?

How about a teddy bear and an ace bandage, so he can wrap his bear's leg up like own and have some company? Other than that, anything he can do while being still... a new video, coloring books and crayons, puzzles with large easy pieces, a magna-doodle, stickers...

I hope the little guy heals quickly!!!

My 2 year old nephew broke his tibia and fibula yesterday. Any ideas to put into a gift basket for him?
Hi, how about personalized books? Kids love to hear their own name in the storyline. Go to this website They have lots of titles like Spider-Man, Batman, Superman, Dinosaur Land, Sesame Street, Sports titles and so many more. Check it out - they're very reasonably priced, and make a wonderful, unique %26amp; special gift... It's something they can enjoy now and keep forever!! Good Luck!
Reply:A soft fuzzy animal, a couple of picture books and some puzzles suitable to his age. This way he can keep busy when he's feeling well and hug his animal when he's tired.
Reply:how about a leappad...i know they are for older kids but my oldest nephew got one when he was about 2 and used it very you might want to invest in his learning and let him have fun with it at the same time
Reply:how about a dvd barney or elmo big hits, and little juice boxes, and some toddle treats like juice treats, fruit medley is a great flavor, best of luck to the little one, also purhaps a cd like dora or spongebob that way the little one can just listen
Reply:Awww...poor guy!!


washable markers

colored pencils


coloring books


a few snacks


puzzles (age appropriate)
Reply:I would suggest some new videos. While I am not one to want to put my kid in front of the TV, there are also times (like this) when you just need an "in-house" baby-sitter or entertainer.

My son actually has a neat thing for in the car that might work in this case - it is called VideoNow Jr - and it's a little handheld TV that you can purchase preschool videos for. You can find it at or maybe even on Ebay.

Good luck.
Reply:age appropriate lego kits (they have smaller kits to build specific things)

little snacks

picture books

books on tape/CD

tape recorder with a microphone for him to record himself on blank tapes

*play doh

*coloring books and crayons

(*assumes he won't still put them in his mouth)

hope these ideas help!
Reply:Ouch! He needs things he can play with without moving around. A doctor kit and a stuffed animal to practice on is a good idea. Fat crayons, paper and playdough would work. Kids that age love stickers. Don't spend money on expensive ones. Go to an office supply store and get different size sticky dots in many colors. They are cheap and he can use his imagination. If you want to splurge get him a kids CD player or cassette recorder and some Cd's or tapes. A couple of simple puzzles would be nice. If he's in a cast provide washable markers so he and his visitors can decorate it. Lego makes big versions appropriate for his age. If he can sit up a tray table would give him a place to do all this.
Reply:He's 2. He doesn't need a gift basket. Just do some fun silly toddler games with him.

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