Monday, January 30, 2012

Ideas for A Christmas Gift for Our Pool Service clients? Help?

Hello everyone

we own a pool service business in florida and are wanting ideas on what kind of gift to give our customers on christmas.. can anyone offer any ideas? the gift would have to be economical anyway thought about a gift basket or mug w/candy any ideas would be appreciated thanks so much and god bless.

Ideas for A Christmas Gift for Our Pool Service clients? Help?
A great original idea, would be for you guys to buy tea-light sized candles and plastic floaters, bundle them up in small baskets of 50 and give them to clients.

This way they can light up their pools with glowing candle light, which is a festive way to celebrate the holidays.
Reply:Go To Bath %26amp; Body Works And Get Them Lots Of Lotion
Reply:I recently heard of a company that sells "floating boulders". Essentially it is styrofoam covered with a synthetic stone coating. They really do float. And they really do look like real rocks. They have candle holders and drink holders among other options. Some were available for around $25 (I think), others more expensive. But they are very unique and will remind your clients of you everytime they look at them. Unfortunately I don't remember the web site, but googling floating boulders should get it for you. They were in Arizona I believe.
Reply:I worked for a pool company up in MN for about 9 years and each year for almost all the holidays we would give our clients coupons that we printed off ourselves for certain percentage off chemicals or a service calls. You could make them for whatever you like.

This way you are still giving them something and they are coming it to buy also. You could print them to say whatever you would like them to say and still decorate them with candies, fruit, etc.

If your not sending them all out. You could place a tree up and decorate that and place the baskets or mugs underneath for them to take as they come into you store.

Good luck and whatever you pick they will appreciate very much.

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