Monday, January 30, 2012

What kind of gift basket can I give my neighbors for helping me out?

A breakfast-type of gift basket (with breakfast goodies in it)

A coffee-type of gift basked (include a Starbuck's card)

A gardening gift basket if you know they like to garden.

You could really go crazy with this one. I like to make my own gift baskets and personalize them for that persons likes/interests.

What kind of gift basket can I give my neighbors for helping me out?
Reply:fruit basket put chesese cookie
Reply:goodies for the house, little thoughtful things.
Reply:If they like fruit there are some really nice ones now. Or if they enjoy cooking a nice soup or baking goodie basket. Figi's has some really nice ones.

If ladies then get a nice home spa treatment basket or a gift card to a spa store.

Guys a gift card to a hardware or car store.
Reply:fruit baskets are always nice.

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