Monday, January 30, 2012

Is The Gift Basket Industry A Good One?

My daughter and her boy friend have begun a "Gift Basket Company".......How many of you would Order from a "Gift Basket Company? Or would you go to the store and shop there instead....For those of you wondering you can see their site at Please, be honest and let me know if you think it looks like it could succeed...Thanks...

Is The Gift Basket Industry A Good One?
It looks good! Go with that! If it brings in more money for you than just a regular "job," then ride it until the wheels fall off! Tell your daughter and her boyfriend Nate said "Good luck!"

P.S. The key to this is you have to offer the product at a price that the other stores and malls won't offer. You want to make some $, but at the same time turn a profit. Keep this in mind.

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