Friday, January 27, 2012

Ideas for a gag gift basket for my accident prone brother?

My brother claims to have something wrong with him everyday. He goes to the hospital all the time for all his aches and pains. And whenever he does something or goes somewhere something seems to happen to him and he ends up calling a lawyer. I want to make him a gag gift basket for Christmas with stuff in it to help him "survive" the traggies life brings him. :-) Like a first aid kit. What else could I put in it? Any ideas what to use as the container?

Ideas for a gag gift basket for my accident prone brother?
Lots of bandages , gause white tape BLUNT end sissors ,

Yellow Police line tape . Some splints ,a needle and thread for

stiches . Tweezers , a flare and flashlight .

A compas and rope. Oh yes some K { rations emergency food }
Reply:A neck collar, a arm wrap cast, a crutch, a potty chair, a hospital bed. Gee do you think he's doing this for the money? I mean if he's got a lawyer on speed dial I wouldn't want him slipping at my house.........
Reply:well one year my mom bought some "trick scratch tickets" , she said that I could keep whatever I won..I scratched an instantlywon a million dollars for the next five years, I was in tears..screaming..calling the family..until my dad questioned it and read the fine print on the back.."you dumbass, you've probablly been jumping around for the past hour, planning what your going to do with your prize..sorry to burst your bubble but this is joke..**** you!" I was sooo mad, but I got tohand it to was hilarious.
Reply:a book from borders laymans law or toy crutches
Reply:Get a protective helmet and put bandaids, ace wrap, tylenol, ice pack for the freezer, peptobismol, pain wrap, get well soon card, a phone card, and whatever else you can think of-cover w red saran wrap and out a bow on it= D
Reply:"The WORST-CASE sCENARIO survival handbook" by Joshua Piven and David Borgenicht.... They have outlined how to : escape from quicksand, wrestle an alligator, land a plane....

it is funny - yet informative.

Ha... Geedebb.... blunt scissors... that's funny....

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