Friday, January 27, 2012

If I convert to Islam do I get a gift basket or a t shirt or something?

You might get a gift basket wih someone's head in there who chose not to convert.

If I convert to Islam do I get a gift basket or a t shirt or something?
if the masjid where you convert does little things like this then yes... but its not in the religion.. Your reward is your faith and hopefully you will be granted a place in heaven..

having said this.. Here in SaudiArabia they give a small cash reward for new converts in the country.. For example if some foreigner is of another faith and inside working and converts. The government publishes this in the local paper and gives him/her a small token cash rewards. Im not sure the exact amount though.
Reply:Are you serious?????

Who asks for a gift basket or t-shirt when if they become Muslim they have the biggest gift of all in the end and that is Jannah!!!!!

What more could you or would you want ?Everything in this world is temporary and doesn't mean a thing!!!
Reply:well dude if u gonna convert, make sure u do it for real, not for jus callin ure self a muslim like Muhammad Ali, he was only a muslim in name, but wasnt a very good muslim %26gt;.%26gt;

Reply:you will get much better than that, if you become a good muslim, for every good point it's mulitibied by 10 to 700. and what Allah hold for the believers is better than all this world.
Reply:No converting to Islam will make you a winner, all your past sins washed away, Jannah!. Etc..

You will have found the truth.
Reply:of course you'll get a gift basket of happiness for eternity. want one? i was gonna throw this one out but you can have it, muslim or not.
Reply:you''ll get a free quran

a gift basket

and the pride that you are on the straight path!
Reply:I wish.
Reply:Let's see you convert first, then we'll talk about gifts...
Reply:You get it but who said its free?
Reply:You might get a suicide vest.

wide children shoes

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