Friday, January 27, 2012

Gift basket glue?

What kind of glue is used in a gift basket to hold items in place yet is easy to remove?

Gift basket glue?
The glue used is called "Glue Dots" . You can use them for gift baskets, scrapbooking, card making, etc. They come in different sizes and cost less than $5.00 for a few hundred
Reply:Certainly, as answer 1 states, Rubber Cement, can be effective. More common for gift baskets might be Hot Glue, but with items Wrapped, or sealed.

A more viable method for creating a gift basket however, would be to decorate the basket, as you choose, include the items, and either Cellophane wrap the basket, or shrink wrap it, not attaching the contents at all. IE: Easter baskets sold everywhere, in season.

Steven Wolf
Reply:Rubber cement works well for stuff like this. If you apply to only one part instead of both parts it works as a temporary glue that peels off. If you apply to both parts then stick together its more permanent. Just follow the directions.
Reply:I just use Hot Glue but you need a glue gun to use it. - it works very well.
Reply:hot glue gun will do but no glue is going be easy to remove once its in the wood fiber

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