Monday, January 30, 2012

Gift basket for fundraiser?

im making a gift basket with a kitchen theme for a fundraiser we are having for my grandfather but im having a tough time trying to figure out what to put in it i was givin from my aunt a cassarole bowl and a clock so i could put that in it but need some ideas on other things to add to that i want to keep the spending under 50 dollars but would like to make it nice what type of things would you like to see in a kitchen gift basket? they will be raffled off.

Gift basket for fundraiser?
Put in a whisk, a spatula, a bread mix, a bread pan, cupcake wrappers, an apron, a minute timer, a bottle of olive oil...

Good luck!
Reply:How about a book of casserole recipes?

If not a book of recipes, you could include recipe cards with a couple of cards filled out with casserole recipes.

A trivet or cork mat set to sit the casserole on after it comes out of the oven.

Pot holders that match the casserole and trivet or cork pads.
Reply:Here's some ideas:

(1)casserole dish


spice rack


soup ladle


(3)bag of gourmet coffee

set of coffee mugs

HotShot steam machine (heats and dispenses hot water-may be hard to find)

(4)medium-large box of Gladware (or other tupperware)

paper towel holder

plastic tupperware cups

atomic clock (automatically sets and adjusts the time itself)

(5)cutting board

small set of knives

knife sharpener

(6)vegetable strainer


salad servers

(7)dish drainer

dish towels/rags/sponges

dish soap (sort of a gag-ish gift)

(8)small blender

measuring cups/spoons

serving platter

(9)silverware set-1 box

2 plates/bowls

2 glasses

Have fun!
Reply:How about things like baking pans, measuring cups, a new can opener, a spatula, and so forth?

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