Thursday, January 26, 2012

Baby gift basket, need prices, see details?

I'm going to visit my friend across the country, and she has a new 2-month old. I know she has way more clothes and toys than she needs, so how much would it cost to put together a gift basket with a week's supply of brand name diapers (assuming the kid uses 10 a day), formula, and a few new bottles? Plus other suggestions for the gift baskets from moms would be appreciated!

Baby gift basket, need prices, see details?
I ALWAYS do gift baskets when going to see a new baby or attending a baby shower. Dipers, wipes, baby soap, and baby q-tips are always needed, but I always look down the road too, some baby cereal, baby food, and juice are things she will need and use in the upcomming 2-3 months. i also include some bubble bath and tea lights for mom. These are just to let her know you still think of her and wish her well too. Typically I spend no more than $35.00 and I get all of the above and a gender themed basket that they can use again and I am good to go. Now some things that I have done for GOOD friends are I made a shadow box using a sonogram picture and the name they had picked out and included cute sayings and found some really inexpensive booties and things at the craft store. That was the focal point of the basket. If you would like more ideas, I got tons, I would just need more info. as in the baby sex, name, what their room looks like, their parents style, ect. Well i hope that helps. P.S. i wouldnt put in baby powder, I still have the bottle I recieved from 9 years ago. It just doesnt get used ever since the link between infants getting yeast infections from corn startch and baby powder came out. Just a thought.
Reply:You can never have enough spit up towels, pacifiers (if she uses them), recieving blankets, and baby bath stuff. The best thing ever though is Clorox Anywhere Spray! I love it because it kills all of the germs but it is safe to use around the baby unlike lysol.
Reply:for mom she could use some nice bubble bath and stuff like that
Reply:Put things like shampoo and talc and cream sudo cream ect. hese are all things that parents will need.

It will cost about 30 - 35 pounds maybe slightly less depends on the brands.
Reply:Johnsons do a baby box here in Britain it contains shampoo,talc,cotton buds,baby oil,baby bath liquid,baby lotion, you could buy one of those plus nappies the box costs £25-00 here I dont now how much you would pay in the states it has loads of other products in it I just cant remember them all and the box has all different compartments ,hope this helps
Reply:That's a really great idea... but I wouldn't try to do the formula, bottle thing. Each child likes something very particular... and it's best if mom buys those things.

But some other items that you could include into a large wicker basket would be:


traveling wipes


rubber coated baby spoons (she'll want these for about 4months old)

Gift certificate to Wal-mart, target, babies r us

Snacks for mom

Baby toys (at this age a mirror, or something designed to hang from the car seat would hold attention)

Teething rings

Socks (cute ones)
Reply:It helps if you know the gender of the baby that's expected. This makes choosing a color scheme (pale pink or blue, respectively) quite simple. If the mom-to-be doesn't know the gender of her baby, shades of white, yellow and seafoam green are always classy choices.
Reply:Buying these products from walmart would be less expensive. Make sure you find out what brands she uses for baby because babies can be sesitive. I did a similar thing with my friend. I waited a couple of days to see what she relly needed and then went shopping. If you want to show up with something, maybe something for her. Maybe some jammies.

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