Thursday, January 26, 2012

Gift basket suggestions for my widowed aunt?

My aunt was recently widowed and will be staying with my grandparents for the next few weeks while the estate is being settled (really long complicated story behind that). I want to give a gift basket to her while she is here. Just so she can rest and not worry about anything.

What are some suggestions for things to include in the basket? Comforting things, inspirational, I don't know. This is the first time I've dealt with death so close to my immediate family. I don't really know what to do for her.

Gift basket suggestions for my widowed aunt?
bath basket: bath salts, a nice book of poems, a head wrap, loofah, gardenia or oatmeal soap (or other perfumed or organic soap) find her favorite scents and use those, a face mask, nice moisturizer, massager, maybe some soothing cd or tape to listen to while in the bath. New slipper and robe if you want to go that far.

coner reading, a nice collection of teas, maybe an assortment of cookies or sweetbreads, a nice book to read, maybe poetry, or a prayer book, a beautiful sayings book, some fresh, fragrant flowers, slippers, a nice neck roll (neck pillow), maybe a diary so she can write her thoughts at such a time, maybe some cheese and crackers, some port wine or other, maybe she likes a certain brandy or liquor before bed?, a nice lace hanky for those tearful moments

there are store that sell scripture wrap candies etc. you might want to put a few in as well.
Reply:books, janet evanovich's stephanie plum series is great, the first one is "one for the money", they are very entertaining :)

scented candles, lotions, a cd of her favorite music :)

good luck
Reply:I would recommend a pampering basket so she can take the time to take care of herself. Does she like bubble baths? Maybe a new comfy robe or slippers. Get a couple comedy movies to watch, laughter works wonders! Plan a lunch for the two of you. Take her out for a nice relaxing meal where you two can catch up on things besides her husband's death. Talking about other things may help her to escape for an hour or so and this will give you the chance to become closer too.

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